Modal JavaScript windows

There does not seem to be a unified way of creating a modal window. Web sources have told me that Mozilla and Opera supports a "modal=yes" attribute in it's argument string, whereas Internet Explorer supports an showModal-method. Issues include, however, Mozilla's inability to keep the modal window on top, whereas Internet Explorer's approach disables access to global variables in the opening window, thus limiting the functionality. I have come up with an alternate approach: function OnBlurEventHandler() { window.focus(); if(window.attachEvent) window.opener.attachEvent("onfocus", OnBlurEventHandler); else if(window.addEventListener) window.opener.addEventListener("focus", OnBlurEventHandler, false); } if(window.attachEvent) window.opener.attachEvent("onfocus", OnBlurEventHandler); else if(window.addEventListener) window.opener.addEventListener("focus", OnBlurEventHandler, false); The above script subscribe to its opener's "focus" event and forces itself to focus whenever the parent gets focus. Make sure you include a close button ;-)


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