
Showing posts from June, 2022

Game development with Unity for .NET developers - a book review (part 1 / N) @chen_jd

Hello World! I'm slowly making my way through the ultimate guide to creating games with Unity and Microsoft Game Stack  by Jiadong Chen  [ blog ] and I'm having a great time!

Transitioning to plain text

Transitioning to plain text (this blog post was authored in Visual Studio Code, using plain text (well, markdown)) I'm an avid note taker, having used my fair share of both Evernote and OneNote. After listening to the Managing Humans audiobook (Michael Lopp), however, I've given a try to taking plain text notes, reducing formatting to a minimum. What I've found, is that plain text offers great ease - there's a lot less to think about / consider! Together with frequent commits to a (local) git repo, I've have a wonderful experience, which I want to share with you. How to Dedicate a directory for your notes (e.g.  C:\src\tech-lead ) Initialize a git repository (e.g.  cd C:\src && mkdir tech-lead && cd tech-lead && git init && echo "# Exclude" > .gitignore && git add .gitignore && git commit -m "My notes" ) Pat yourself on your back - you're done! Ongoing considerations Refrain from saving every

Find images in a subfolder

I had an imagined need to show all pictures in a git repo for a li'l thing I'm doing. As I had to google to make this work, I figure I'd share how it's done FWIW: Navigate to the common root directory ( C:\src\DevTeamRota\DevTeamRota\ wwwroot  in my case) Search for images ( kind:image ) Pretty obvious in  retrospect , but hey.

Writing a (local) World of Warcraft Addon

Continuing down the wow addon / lua path , I figured now was a good time to write my first addon. I don't intend to publish this anywhere (except, well, here, kind-of); this is just for fun / a learning challenge.

Macro-first WoW

Coding for fun / as part of a game, is a great way of learning (aspects of) programming.

Maximizing a (Chrome) Window with PowerShell

(Actually, don't do any of this, just use WIN-SHIFT-Arrow key to shove the window to an edge, where you can interact with it again). Scenario and background One of my windows opened off screen and I my go-to ALT-SPACE-X did not solve my issue. I also googled and found a number of Stack Overflow answers, but they didn't quite do what I want. I know enough PowerShell to cause damage, I have years of C# experience and I've dabbled with the Windows API (for play projects) more than once. Solution 1. Add POWER through .NET and the Windows API Add-Type "using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class Window { [DllImport(""user32.dll"")] public extern static bool MoveWindow(IntPtr handle, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool redraw); }" 2. Use PowerShell to find all processes, passing each process' main window handle to our Windows API Get-Process chrome | ForEach-Object { [Window]::MoveWindow($_.MainWindowHandle, 100, 100, 1