Game development with Unity for .NET developers - a book review (part 1 / N) @chen_jd

Hello World! I'm slowly making my way through the ultimate guide to creating games with Unity and Microsoft Game Stack by Jiadong Chen [blog] and I'm having a great time!

TLDR: Should you buy it? Yes, if you're curious at all about Unity, this is an excellent guide! It's very well written. Also, as it turns out - going from "regular .NET development" to ".NET scripting" inside a game engine is non-intuitive. It's hard to just "figure out" what to do, based on your previous experience. This book will get you there!


The book starts out strong with a powerful foreword that inspires you to continue.

All code examples have been tested with Unity 2020.3.24 on a Windows OS. However, they should work with future version releases too.

I like how the book explicitly points out the exact versions things are guaranteed to work on, as I find it important that things work when you’re trying to learn something.

If you are using the digital version of this book, we advise you to type the code yourself or access the code from the book's GitHub repository (a link is available in the next section). Doing so will help you avoid any potential errors related to the copying and pasting of code.

True, but you’re more likely to have typos. I’d argue that you should type things out yourself as that engages more of your brain and will help you retain your newfound knowledge

Chapter 1

Hands-on advice on how to navigate the Unity download / software bundle itself, which was super useful for a novice like myself (I normally dislike these "fluff pieces", but it turned out to be really useful in this case).

By the time this post is published, I'm making my way through Chapter 2, getting distracted with trying out my newfound knowledge on various mini projects. I'm having great fun!


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