An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

... can be caused by the fact that your WCF service cannot receive more connections at the moment. As a default, a WCF service can receive 10 concurrent (session based) requests. If you are writing an internal WCF service (intranet, not internet) that has more than 10 constant consumers (consumers-with-a-session), you need to configure it accordingly: In system.serviceModel, add:
        <behavior name="ThrottleBehavior">
          <serviceThrottling maxConcurrentCalls="6"
... where maxConcurrentInstances/maxConcurrentSessions are the expected number of clients and maxConcurrentCalls are clients/100. On your service, add the attribute: behaviorConfiguration="ThrottleBehavior" I hope this saves you 6 hours+ google time. Thank you, Cameron Hanchey


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