One-liner to identify mobile apple (iOS) browsers

So, it struck us today, that Apple's mobile browsers does not support file uploads from web sites (

The reason for this, is that the user does not have access to the file system in iOS (no "My documents"), and inter-app communication is severely lacking. Anyway, if you are to design a web site to accommodate iOS users, you might want to hide your file upload control and/or show a friendly message to users using these devices. A one-liner that identifies such a browser is:

Regex.IsMatch(Request != null && Request.UserAgent != null ? Request.UserAgent : "", "Mozilla\\/5.0 \\(iPod|iPad|iPhone.+?\\).*?Mobile");

The code snippets expects:
  • That you have references to System.Text.RegularExpressions.
  • That you are running in a web environment (Request)
The boolean result indicates whether or not your user is visiting your site from an Apple mobile device.

Thanks, Sitepoint, for the User agent reference.


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