Guerrilla Framework Design by @TheCodeJunkie #devsum13

If your framework doesn't have a user friendly API and offers functionality that others do too, users will naturally prefer the other framework. Thus, the API is important from a developer usage point of view.

By using dynamics and implicit casts, Nancy is very approachable.

public class Module : NancyModule
    public Module()
        Get["/greet/{name}"] = x => {
            return string.Concat("Hello ",;

Nancy uses a AppDomain scanner to find types of pluggable interfaces in the app domain, which means that all the user needs to do, is to implement an interface to add a feature. No registration required. This also enabled the Nancy team to break out non essential functionalities into separate nugget packages, distributing a very slim core package by default.

Using a Bootstrapper, users of Nancy are able to replace core functionalities in the framework by simply inheriting from the DefaultBootstrapper. Through this inheritance, users are free to replace IoC container of choice (TinyIOC), for example.

To learn more about Nancy, check out the getting started guide on the project's GitHub page.


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