Let's just ... build something!

A couple of months back, I had a stroke of inspiration and produced a little video on YouTube to guide someone curious about - but new to - development to build and publish an app just to prove to themselves that they could.

The basic premise was that development doesn’t have to be hard and that we need more developers. It might seem hard to get started and here’s where I enter the scene! I’m here to help you build SOMETHING. Then, it’s up to you to play with that something - dig deeper into topics that interest you and propel yourself in the direction you want to go.

I recorded the video in one go and then spent hours cutting out the biggest bloopers. In retrospect, listening to some of the comments I've gotten and also judging from my own video consumption, I should've split the video up into bite-sized segments, rather than having my viewers spend a consecutive 50 minutes with me.

Looking at the statistics shows me, in fact, that interest seems to wane after less than three minutes (when I start talking about prerequisites). If I were to do something like this again, I would probably create a small playlist of items - similar to this one on Kubernetes - instead of doing it in one go.

We live and we learn :)


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