Highly Declarable React #dont-make-me-think #hdr

Here's something I recently discovered and that I'm proud of; not because it's technically superior, but instead because it's much easier for the human to deal with. I present to you

 Highly Declarative React   

The idea is that your component declare its various states up front, making it easy to reason about

function GenerateAuthTokenForm({isOpen, setIsOpen}: GenerateAuthTokenFormParams) {

const [state, dispatch] = useReducer((state: { mode: string }, response: any) => { ... }
return <SomeContainerElement>





    <ButtonPanel onCancel={() => setIsOpen(false)} onConfirm={handleSubmit}/>
Each element checks the local page state to see if it should render and returns an empty fragment if not:

function ShowInputUiByDefault() {

if (
state.mode !== 'SHOW_INPUT_UI' &&
) return <></>
return <> ... </>
In the above example, unless we are in one of three clearly defined states, we don't want to render the default input UI. However, if we are (e.g. if a user tried to confirm our dialog without entering a name for an authentication token), we render the UI after any progress and success messages but before any error messages.

At the bottom of the control, we want to render a button panel. Again, depending on the state, different controls will be generated, but they are conceptually a part of this button panel:

function ButtonPanel({onCancel, onConfirm}: ButtonPanelParams) {

if (state.mode === 'AUTHTOKEN_GENERATE_SUCCEEDED') {
return <NotificationBox
message='Please make sure you store your authentication token as its code will be inaccessible once you close this dialog'
<Button text="I understand" icon={"warning"} primary={false} className="confirm-button" onClick={() => {
dispatch({type: 'USER_DISMISSED_DIALOG'});


return <>
<Button text="Generate token" className="confirm-button" onClick={onConfirm}/>
<Button text="Cancel" icon={"chevron-left"} primary={false} className="cancel"
onClick={() => {
dispatch({type: 'USER_DISMISSED_DIALOG'});
Any complexities about how to render the panel is hidden within the local function component, meaning that - most of the time - the human don't have to think about it!

Keep it simple. Don't make me think.


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