AutoHotKey is neat: Duplicate document with CTRL+D

I keep coming back to AutoHotKey to help me automate/streamline things I do on a daily basis. If you get inspired by this post, I urge you to suffer through the pain and write your scripts yourself, however (rather than downloading them), as they will act on your behalf (and therefore cause damage).

Anyway, I found myself creating new documents based on old one. It felt natural to Duplicate the old document with CTRL+D as you'd do in Mac with CMD+D (or as you'd do in, say PowerPoint to duplicate a slide). CTRL+D however, deletes a document in Windows Explorer. Great sadness.

To fix the sadness, I adopted my AHK script to include

#IfWinActive, ahk_exe Explorer.EXE
^d::Send ^c^v

That is, in Windows Explorer windows, when I press CTRL+D, I actually want to send CTRL+C followed by CTRL+V to duplicate an entry.

Other fun sections in the scripts are

#IfWinActive, Microsoft Visual Studio
::fn::() => 

That is, in Visual Studio, when I type gt, I actually want => to be outputted. When I type fn, I actually want () => to be outputted.

Happy days!


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