How to uninstall Mudlet

Here's a weird one for you.

When I tried to install Microsoft Teams on my laptop, instead of installing the software, it launched Mudlet. Now, I'm a fan of the app, but ... that's weird and unwelcome. Trying to uninstall Mudlet didn't help - Teams simply reinstalled - and started Mudlet again (somehow). Googling provided little help. I tried running CCleaner, but that didn't solve the issue either.

After a fair bit of digging, I found the following solution:

Both products use the Squirrel installation system (and that's where things break down).

  • Delete the Squirrel package cache (%LocalAppData%\SquirrelTemp)
  • Delete the Mudlet folder in %LocalAppData%\Microsoft (what's it doing there to begin with?)
You should then be able to install Microsoft Teams and actually use THAT app.


Zanglus said…
Thanks bro, really appreciated

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