Super-Quick: Host a simple web page through GitHub pages

There are instructions out there, but it still took me a couple of attempts to get it right. Here's the super-duper-happy-path (Expression © NancyFX ;-)):

  1. Create a GitHub Account
  2. Create a public repository named (pick .gitignore and license as it suits you).
  3. Create a file called CNAME containing the hostname you will publish under (example). 
  4. Create a file called index.html containing your web page.
  5. Sign up for a DNS provider: I use DNSimple (referral link).
  6. Fiddle with DNS Records automatically (highly recommended) or manually (I never got this right ...):
    1. Automatically: Add the GitHub Pages service from DNSimple
    2. Manually: Create a CNAME record from (empty (nada, silch)) to
Have fun!


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