Moving commits from main to feature-branch

For when I forget to change into a feature-branch before committing a bunch of changes next time, here's how I fixed it this time:

git checkout -b further-refinement

Create the feature branch I should've created before I started to mess around with code!

git checkout -

Return to the main branch.

git log -10 --oneline

Show the 10 latest commits from the main branch, each on a single line.

👀 find the last commit you'd like to keep on main (moving the rest to your feature branch)

git reset --hard <commit-id>

Remove the commits you'd like to move from the main branch (they'll still be in your feature branch).

git checkout -

Return to your feature branch.

git push --set-upstream origin further-refinement

Push it (to GitHub).

gh pr create --fill

Create a PR via the GitHub command line tools (or look at the /pulls list in GitHub and create from there)


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